Plain in the city

A plain Quaker folk singer with a Juris Doctorate in his back pocket, salt in his blood, and a set of currach oars in the closet, Ulleann Pipes under his arm, guitar on his back, Anglo Irish baggage, wandering through New York City ... in constant amaze. Statement of Faithfulness. As a member of the Quaker Bloggers Ad Hoc Committee I affirm that I will be faithful to the Book of Discipline of my Meeting 15th Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Proud of New Yorkers...

Well, I am proud of New York. I took a wee friend to an open mike tonight. She was 15 and visiting from Kansas, and very very talented. She choked on a song, and got huge applause, though she was really very upset by getting the song turned around. Two of the big acts of the night, ran out to the street and sat with her, told her to get back in after she worked it out, gave her advice and she came back and did wonderfully.

I've seen folks make fun of young folks just starting out... that is not this city. Tonight was just wonderful. They were also patient with me... I am on the choking and gagging point of the cycle I have been on for a year or so, of plaque building up in my throat... at the point I feel like vomiting for a few days, the plaque gets big enough to cough out... but it does not do my singing well, and I am at the, voice not in control point of the cycle... good news is that means in a few days ( I hope... ) I can dislodge the damned thing... the audience reacted to my songs not my singing, for which I am really thankful.



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