Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Previous Posts
- New York... of course...
- The Government looks at me, and I look back.
- St. Pats
- Lenin leading the lower east side...
- Living Through a lens, again.
- Its a dog's life!?
- To Be Present to God in the Face of Evil
- The cost of an Irish Currach...
- Away from home... Building boats...
- An Open Letter to Martin Kelly
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- Of The Best Stuff But Plain
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- Milleridge Inn (once the home of Elias Hicks)
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- Robin M: What Canst Thou Say?/a>
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- Mobtownblues ( A Quaker in "Baltimoron" )/a>
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- Silly Poor Gospel (Peggy Senger Parsons) /a>
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- Thee Hannah! /a>
- Neither More Nor Less (Rbt. Arihood)/a>
- meet the minimum needs of all/a>
- Quaker 2.0 /a>
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- Ear of the Soul /a>
- Poor Wayfaring Stranger /a>
- Sneezing Flower/a>
- A Place To Stand/a>
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- Marty On The Home Front/a>
- Reader I Married Him/a>
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- A Tentative Quaker/a>
- Women's Rights, Security Frights, Kabul Nights/a>
- One Foot In Front Of The Other/a>
- Random Ramblings from the Yarn Frog Studio(Taylor Giacoma)/a>

I always thought that Jehovah's Wittness artwork was a little intimidating.
I've read both of those publications there, except the one with the old man on the front was in English when I read it... it says 'Keep on the Watch!' infact, here it is I scanned the cover at the time and uploaded it, as an example of how not to use images to sell a product... I uploaded that in december 2004 apparently, so it's good to know they keep on using the same material...
My current gift from the local Wittnesses is 'What the Bible REALLY says.' But they haven't come back to discuss it yet (probably good as I haven't read it yet)... my locals tend not to come if they say they will.. I think I scare them :o(
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