Plain in the city

A plain Quaker folk singer with a Juris Doctorate in his back pocket, salt in his blood, and a set of currach oars in the closet, Ulleann Pipes under his arm, guitar on his back, Anglo Irish baggage, wandering through New York City ... in constant amaze. Statement of Faithfulness. As a member of the Quaker Bloggers Ad Hoc Committee I affirm that I will be faithful to the Book of Discipline of my Meeting 15th Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This was the last night of the Youth Fellowship

This was the last night of the Midweek Youth Fellowship Meetings. We all promised once we would haunt the balcony of the meeting house were me met, on Wends. night. This night, there was only Ryan and me... the meeting house was dark, and the balcony was indeed haunted by all the others. Florence, Amanda, and Ruthie were all very much there and very much missed and not missed at all in their presence.


At 8:34 AM, Blogger Lorcan said...

:( and :)



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