Plain in the city

A plain Quaker folk singer with a Juris Doctorate in his back pocket, salt in his blood, and a set of currach oars in the closet, Ulleann Pipes under his arm, guitar on his back, Anglo Irish baggage, wandering through New York City ... in constant amaze. Statement of Faithfulness. As a member of the Quaker Bloggers Ad Hoc Committee I affirm that I will be faithful to the Book of Discipline of my Meeting 15th Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Do We Hark to Yeshua's Message or Worship Jesus' Image?

Friends have written to me about my example of Quaker hate mail. Some don't see the harm done by such a note, others send notes of comfort to me.

Sure I'm sad. But I am sad, not for an insult or abuse to me, but for the blindness of some Friends to the message of Yeshua, come to the well and give me to drink.

There are two moments where I am convinced that the message of Yeshua comes through. It is in the event at the well, where he asks water of the Samaritan woman, and the sermon on the mount, in which large portions reflect back to the event at the well.

In Thomas he says, the Kingdom of God is here, it is just that many don't see it. Then at the well, he takes water from the hands of one he is supposed to shun, and he says this is the water of life, by which we enter the Kingdom of God. It is in forgiveness and healing of conflicts that we enter the Kingdom of God. In the sermon on the mount he says to make amends with friends and enemies before anything else. Our advices reflect this when we say come to clearness quickly.

The sermon on the mount says not to be judgmental, or thee will be judged. Those Friends who judge, and who dismiss, who shun and deny a hand of friendship, are not living in the spirit of Yeshua, which is the Christian center of our faith as Quakers. Friends who turn their backs rather than turning the other cheek, are building walls around their own little clique in the world, and as they do, they build a wall around the well of the water of life, but that wall keeps them from the water of life.

So, why am I sad. Not for the petty harms done to me, but the harm done to the Christian center of our faith. It is not enough to worship an image of Christ, and ignore the teaching of Yeshua. The fruit of the tree of that action quite plainly marks the value of that tree.


At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes, Lorcan, we can use letters such as this to evaluate our life and where we might fall short, either actually or perceived. So many times I have been the one who received a letter like this. (I can be a real jerk some times...but God's not finished with me.)

I have to ask myself if I have actually done harm to others in ways I might not realize. Perhaps not. But it does give the opportunity to evaluate our words and actions.

The Buddhists call this, "making medicine out of poison."

Take the letter and pray about it. If it is Divine Will, then there will be conversation between you and the writer. Perhaps things just need to season for a while.

Either way, don't demonize the person who sent the letter. Pray that change may take place on every level and good Gospel Order will prevail.

In peace,
Greensboro, NC

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Lorcan said...

Hi Craig:
I am not demonizing this Friend. We are all sinners. This is why we have the process of atonement and forgiveness. We make demons of our selves when we refuse to come to the well of peace. So, we try, one on one, then two by two, then, when the Friend refuses to open his heart to peace, as Richard Nixon could not, we publicly witness, as with this letter. If the Friends can't bring himself to the peace of the story of Yeshua at the well, if the Friend cannot live the sermon of the mount, he is no demon, he is just one more of the folks who have hardened their hearts to love, and it is his loss.


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