Plain in the city

A plain Quaker folk singer with a Juris Doctorate in his back pocket, salt in his blood, and a set of currach oars in the closet, Ulleann Pipes under his arm, guitar on his back, Anglo Irish baggage, wandering through New York City ... in constant amaze. Statement of Faithfulness. As a member of the Quaker Bloggers Ad Hoc Committee I affirm that I will be faithful to the Book of Discipline of my Meeting 15th Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Florence Accetta

Dear Friends:

Richard Accetta Evans lost his mother in law today, his link is Brooklyn Quaker. Please hold him in the light and your prayers, this time has been so difficult for his family and for Richard.

Richard, we all love you so much.



At 11:17 AM, Blogger Larry Clayton said...

Where have I been, Lor? Well I took a trip and missed my blogging for about a week.

And I find you with a new birth of spirit. Praise God. I'm so glad. I knew you have wonderful gifts, and it is a delight to see you coming through as a first class (Quaker) preacher.

I'll be looking forward to seeing what you have to say day by day.

May the Lord bless us one and all.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Rich in Brooklyn said...

Thanks to Lorcan for his note about my mother-in-law, Florence Accetta. She is much missed. Cards and e-mails from several bloggers and Quakers, including Lorcan, as well as the physical presence of some who were able to make the wake or funeral, were much appreciated.

Rich Accetta-Evans


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